Editor | Writer | Journalist

About Me
Above all else, I love to write.
I'm a passionate and opinionated tea-drinker and cat-lover. I'm a proud feminist who is always sleepy, loves politics and lives for writing about social justice issues. I collect journals and have a book-buying addiction.
Through my writing, I want to create thought-provoking content and commentary about marginalized, controversial, emotional, interesting, under-represented and humanistic issues. I want to create discussion, awareness, and acknowledgment.
I want to use my words and writing to make a difference in peoples' lives. I often use my own life experiences with mental illness, abuse, domestic violence and other challenges in my articles. If even one person can relate to my writing and it can make them feel less alone for a moment, I have achieved my goal.
My passion lies in using the written word to encourage understanding of issues people may not know exist, and open people’s minds.
Throughout my career, I hope to travel across the world and meet a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, as well as keep my mind as open as possible to every experience.
Above all else, I always aim to stay true to who I am, in both my writing career and my life.
My ultimate career and life motto would have to be the wise words of Albus Dumbledore, from Harry Potter:
"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic."
Work Experience
2016 - Now: SHESAID.com
September 2017 - Ongoing : Thought Catalog
May 2017 - Ongoing: Ravishly
January 2017: Yourtango
October 2015
First article published online at The Greens Magazine.
Febuary 2014 - Ongoing
UoW TV Multimedia Student Journalist
2014 - 2019
University of Wollongong
Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Communications and Media, majoring in Global Communications